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Design sprint

Sat Nou Rode: easing the customer-to-professional link


The workshop organised by Pimp My App is a program where participants get to work on a real business issue, using Google’s Design Sprint methodology.
The promise is to go from a problem to a prototype tested by users in just 5 days! To fulfill this promise, we were offered highly structured and timed workshops.
Our team consisted of 6 members from diverse professional backgrounds, along with our coach.

The challenge

The client, the CEB (Club Economique Benedictin) entrusted us with an exciting and challenging issue: 
How to encourage individuals to use a platform that highlights professionals in the East of Réunion island and allows them to directly respond to their needs?

Time to complete the mission

2 weeks in total:

  • 1 week to do engage the necessary research, come up with the solution, prototype the app, and test it with users.
  • 1 week to improve the application, work on the prototype, prepare a presentation, and pitch the solution to the client.

Tools used

Figma, Figjam, Google meet, post-its, boards, Mural, paper, Google docs.

Define the platform’s purpose

First, we defined our purpose: to create a platform specifically dedicated for the east of the island, where professionals are listed, user experience is fluid, and communication is easy.
Then we defined the targeted users:

  • People who live in the east of the island.
  • People who usually contact professionals from other parts of the island.
  • People who are not necessarily comfortable using apps and websites.
  • People who have a sense of community.

Research, define, ideate, and repeat.

Out main concerns were:

  • How can we get different generations to use and engage with the platform?
  • How can we create an easy-to-use platform that targets specific needs within a specific scope?
  • How can we make the use of the platform a reflex action?

Research: platforms that offer a fluid user experience – how and why?

Ideate: What would be the most suitable solution?

Define the solution

The application “Sat nou rode” which means “What we’re looking for” in the local Creole dialect.

Lock the features

  1. Users can use the search bar to navigate the directory.
  2. They may also use the “community search” to post on Facebook groups. This is an important feature in the app because locals instinctively use Facebook to search for products and services. By managing groups on Facebook, the client saves up on his initial investment, and users surf on a platform that they already use and appreciate.

3. The third feature is the online radio, a method that has proved to be very popular and useful in Réunion island. Sat nou rode Radio would host programs that allow the community to interact, express their needs, share their experiences, for example, but it also allows professionals to leave their contacts.

Ready, set, prototype!

Once we agreed on the user journey that would be tested with users, we started sketching paper wireframes.
Then halfway between low fidelity and high fidelity, we began prototyping the solution while simultaneously creating the content.

Results page

Results page

to Facebook

Post preview

Testing & feedback

We conducted the test with 5 users.

  • They all reside on the eastern side of the island.
  • Their ages range from 20 to 48.
  • Some users are more tech-savvy than others

The feedback from the users confirmed the features. However, the interface required some adjustments as certain features were not entirely clear for everyone. Enhancing the user experience was crucial to ensure continued usage of the app in the future.

Prototyping: second round

Onboarding screen

Onboarding screen
(after 1/2)

Onboarding screen
(after 2/2)

Search page

Search page

The presentation

We constructed our pitch by blending traditional presentation techniques with storytelling.
We emphasized the intelligence of our solution, highlighting its key features:

  1. Directory search, community engagement, and radio integration. Moreover, we emphasized the seamless transition between platforms.
  2. It’s important to note that our search and results are exclusively focused on the eastern part of the island, making it distinct from platforms like Facebook. This specificity sets us apart.

3. We leverage the power of Facebook to our advantage, allowing users to connect through their Facebook accounts and access a vast network of local users who are actively engaged on a daily basis.

During the presentation, the client and the deputy mayor were in attendance. They expressed their gratitude and extreme satisfaction with the solution.
Now it’s time for the investors to step forward! (to be continued).

It was a thrill to be a part of this experience. The design sprint methodology proved to be successful, with the right and thorough organization and planification. The client is currently meeting with investors to build the application.
It was a highly exciting challenge both on a human and professional level. User testing was an eye opener, it provided the necessary feedback and critique we needed to take a step back even when we had little time to produce.