Sat Nou Rode: facilitating the customer-to-professional link
The workshop is part of a program that allows participants to address a real business issue using the Design Sprint methodology.
The goal is to progress from identifying a problem to developing a user-tested prototype within five days. To achieve this, our work was structured into highly organized and timed sessions.
Our team consisted of six members from diverse professional backgrounds, along with our coach.
The timeline for completion was two weeks.
The client, the CEB (Club Economique Benedictin), presented us with an exciting and challenging issue: enhancing the social and economic landscape of the eastern part of the island by facilitating connections between customers and professionals.

Our target users
We aim to create a platform specifically dedicated to the eastern region, featuring a directory of professionals, a seamless user experience, and easy communication.
It was essential to ask the right questions and address the appropriate pain points, so we began by gaining a deeper understanding of the users we are designing for:
- residents of the eastern region.
- individuals who typically reach out to professionals from other parts of the island.
- users who may not be comfortable using apps and websites.
- members of the local community.
Based on research we established 3 personas, representing common identities, goals and pain points.
Based on our research and user personas, we identified the platform’s key focus areas, ensuring it provides solutions for various aspects of users’ daily lives:
- Communication: the platform should facilitate easy connections and interactions among users.
- Perception: given that the eastern region may face negative stereotypes, the goal is to highlight its positive attributes, unique offerings, and potential for attracting individuals and businesses.
- Economy: the platform should support local economic growth by attracting consumers and creating job opportunities within the region.
Our main concerns were:
- How can we engage different generations with the platform?
- How can we design an easy-to-use platform that addresses specific needs?
- How can we make using the platform a habitual action?
Define the features
After several ideation and research sessions, we arrived at the application “Sat nou rode,” which means “What we’re looking for” in the local Creole dialect. The app’s main features are:
Search by directory
Research indicated the need for at least three basic search criteria: location, category, and recommendations.
- Implementation: A search engine to navigate the directory and find professionals using those three filters.
Call the community
Research revealed that radio is a popular and effective medium on Réunion Island.
- Implementation: Sat nou rode Radio would host programs that allow community interaction, enabling users to express their needs and share experiences, while also allowing professionals to share their contact information.
Write to the community
Insights showed that local users often use Facebook to search for products and services.
- Implementation: A “community search” feature linked to Facebook groups. By managing these groups, the client can reduce initial investment costs while users engage on a platform they already know and value.
User journey & wireframing

Tests & feedback
We conducted tests with five users:
- They all live on the eastern side of the island.
- Ages vary between 20 and 48.
- Some are less comfortable with technology than others.
Feedback confirmed the proposed features, though some interface adjustments were necessary as certain elements were unclear to some users.
A final round of improvements
After analyzing the user testing findings, we grouped the feedback by theme and ranked the issues by priority and relevance.

- simplify the text.
- improve text readability.
- provide a clearer explanation of the link with Facebook.
- revise the presented information.
- use bespoke illustrations.
- move the “View All” button.
- simplify text in the header for improved clarity.
- change the heading “Most Active Groups” to include Facebook.
- improve the search bar UI.
- update cards display and spacings.
- expand search bar to full width.
- highlight input field with a search icon.
- maintain dropdowns with selected criteria visible.
- use sober colors for UI and consistent illustrations.
After the presentation, the client informed us that he will begin seeking investments in collaboration with the mayor of Saint-Benoit. Their goal is to further develop Sat Nou Rode.